St Joseph’s School:
- Is guided and inspired by the life and message of Jesus Christ.
- Provides a welcoming, supportive and nourishing environment with the highest quality of education that focuses on the development of the whole person, encompassing mind, body, heart and spirit.
- Values the partnership that exists between the school, home and St Dympna’s parish within the diocese of Wilcannia-Forbes.
- Fosters the individual to live a more Christ-like way and contribute more fully to the parish and wider community.
1. As a Catholic Community, we strive to help students to know and value the rich heritage of Catholic teaching, culture and tradition by:
1.1 Ensuring the children are well informed about the Catholic faith tradition and about religion and contemporary religious issues generally so they are in a position to see how the Catholic faith may contribute to their lives.
1.2 Ensuring that Catholic forms of prayer, both formal (traditional) and informal, are understood and prayed on a daily basis as appropriate to grade level.
1.3 Providing opportunities for the children to undertake special ministries within the church such as altar serving.
1.4 Participating in regular class/school masses and liturgies, acknowledging and celebrating Special Feast Days and ensuring the children are aware of their significance.
1.5 Teaching the Gospel through reflecting on scripture and the life of Jesus.
1.6 Familiarising the children with the Catholic symbols and rituals (practices) by regularly visiting the Church.
1.7 Ensuring the children are aware of and are able to, competently and confidently use the religious terminology associated with the Catholic Faith.
1.8 Participating in the Sacramental life of the Church.
2. Teach and reflect the Gospel by:
2.1 Living Christ in our daily lives.
2.2 Being a role model of Gospel values in our daily lives.
2.3 Appreciating our role as teachers of faith and life, and understanding how we contribute to the religious development of the children.
2.4 Showing respect and dignity to all.
2.5 Using a variety of methods to teach Gospel values (e.g. role plays, moral dilemmas, contemporary media stories etc.)
3. Ensure a distinctive Catholic educational environment by:
3.1 Modelling Gospel values across all Key Learning Areas.
3.2 Creating a working environment where interpersonal relationships between staff and students are friendly and harmonious.
3.3 Having Religious icons and symbols, doctrinal statements, children’s work and prayer focus displayed throughout the school.
3.4 Ensuring the Catholic dimension of the school is always evident, both within the school and in the wider community.
4. Foster a desire to know Jesus Christ in Word and Sacrament by:
4.1 Reading, discussing and analysing scripture during Religion lessons.
4.2 Preparing and participating in class liturgies and Mass.
4.3 Being involved in the planning and implementation of school/Parish Sacramental celebrations.
4.4 Encouraging and enabling the students to develop a personal relationship with Jesus.
4.5 Developing behaviour management strategies within a framework of pastoral care.
5. Participate in the Evangelizing mission of the Church within the Parish Community by:
5.1 Ensure that the life of the school complements and supports the Liturgical and Sacramental life of the Parish.
5.2 Staff becoming actively involved in Parish liturgies (e.g. commentating, reading, children’s liturgies etc.)
5.3 Encouraging staff and students to actively participate in Parish based activities (eg) Parish Council, Lenten groups, Church rosters, Altar servers.
5.4 Assisting the children to be more aware of the less fortunate in our world. Encouraging the children to show their compassion through support for projects such as Project Compassion and St Vincent De Paul collections.
5.5 Being role models, and witnesses to, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, always seeking to be honest, sincere and truthful.
5.6 Encouraging staff in their own Faith Formation in a variety of ways.
6. As an Educational Community, we strive to promote the development of the whole person by:
6.1 Recognising and catering to individual needs of students.
6.2 Developing quality programs to meet students’ needs spiritually, academically, physically, creatively and emotionally.
6.3 Fostering the development of the special gifts and talents of each student.
6.4 Providing students with specific educational opportunities to expand their cultural experiences.
6.5 Providing programs to promote and recognise the creativity in each student.
6.6 Encouraging students to participate in programs that promote their physical health and well-being.
6.7 Implementing a whole school Human Sexuality Program (K-6) based on the teachings of the Catholic Church.
6.8 Introducing students to activities which would contribute to effective citizenship thereby developing self-confidence and social skills.
6.9 Encouraging students to take responsibility for their own actions.